Baby's First Christmas
Christmas time is such a special time of the year. Everyone loves that magical feeling, the twinkling lights, the smell of cinnamon and pine cones, the cheesy music (that we all love, but won't admit it!), and that cosy feeling that yuletide brings.
Having a new baby at Christmas is just lovely, creating special first memories and photographs together.
So of course, I have a range of adorable outfits and hats for your babys first Christmas pictures.
My absolute favourite is this little gingerbread man. Your baby will be warm and snug in the footed outfit for his photoshoot. The romper has a crochet collar, with a green bow tie, 'icing' detail on the sleeves and the beanie, with little red buttons on the chest.
Handknit in lovely cuddly alpaca yarn, that is soft against your little boys delicate skin. This is such a fun photography prop. I make them in sizes from newborn baby to sitter size ( approx 9 months old)